

This is a simple guide how to get started with OpenPanel on your own VPS.

OpenPanel is not stable yet. If you still want to self-host you can go ahead. Bear in mind that new changes might give a little headache to keep up with.
From version 0.0.5 we have removed If you are upgrading from a previous version, you will need to export your users from Clerk and import them into OpenPanel. Read more about it here: Migrating from Clerk



  • VPS of any kind (only tested on Ubuntu 24.04)
    • We recommend using Hetzner (affiliate link). Use the link if you want to support us. 🫶
    • 🙋‍♂️ This should work on any system if you have pre-installed docker, node and pnpm


git clone && cd openpanel/self-hosting && ./setup
# After setup is complete run `./start` to start OpenPanel


Clone the repository to your VPS

git clone

Run the setup script

The setup script will do 3 things

  1. Install node (if you accept)
  2. Install docker (if you accept)
  3. Execute a node script that will ask some questions about your setup

Setup takes 30s to 2 minutes depending on your VPS

cd openpanel/self-hosting

⚠️ If the ./setup script fails to run, you can do it manually.

  1. Install docker
  2. Install node
  3. Install pnpm
  4. Run the npx jiti ./quiz.ts script inside the self-hosting folder

Start 🚀

Run the ./start script located inside the self-hosting folder


Good to know

Always use correct api url

When self-hosting you'll need to provide your api url when initializing the SDK.

The path should be /api and the domain should be your domain.

  window.op = window.op||function(...args){(window.op.q=window.op.q||[]).push(args);};
  window.op('init', {
    apiUrl: '', 
    clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    trackScreenViews: true,
    trackOutgoingLinks: true,
    trackAttributes: true,
<script src="" defer async></script>
import { OpenPanel } from '@openpanel/sdk';
const op = new OpenPanel({
  apiUrl: '', 
  clientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
  trackScreenViews: true,
  trackOutgoingLinks: true,
  trackAttributes: true,


Some of OpenPanel's features require e-mail. We use Resend as our transactional e-mail provider. So to get this working you'll need to create an account on Resend and set the RESEND_API_KEY environment variable.

This is nothing that is required for the basic setup, but it is required for some features.

Features that require e-mail:

  • Password reset
  • Invitations
  • more will be added over time

Managed Redis

If you use a managed Redis service, you may need to set the notify-keyspace-events manually.

Without this setting we wont be able to listen for expired keys which we use for caluclating currently active vistors.

You will see a warning in the logs if this needs to be set manually.

On this page